Ever wonder how others perceive you? Others may see me as a wife, mother, step-mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. What would I consider myself? Well, definitely all of the above, but I would add that I am a thinker, a writer, and a woman who has a lot to say. I just want my voice to be heard. This is my spot to state what I think and believe. These are My Thoughts from my Window on the River.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Remember 9-11

This morning I went out and raised the American flag to half-staff I couldn’t help but remember what the day means to Americans.

Anyone who was in earshot of a radio, or had our eyes glued to the television screen, cannot forget the horror of that day. Not many of us can even hear the words 9-ll without a shiver down our spine or a tear in our eye.

The other thing I remember about this particular day is the way the American people came together. We were “We the People”. We felt a common pain, we came together to mourn our loss of life and of our feeling of security. We no longer felt safe in our homeland. But for that one day there was no politics, no Democrats or Republicans, no black or white, no gay or straight. We were Americans.

In this time of campaigning, we have name-calling, truth stretching, and finger pointing, if this day of terror brings nothing else I would pray that it would bring all of us back to the civility we felt for each other because of what happened on 9-11, the day Americans returned to “We the People.” 

Until next time "Remember Who You Are"

Family Time

I’m writing to you from my View on the Window on the River.  I know it has been awhile. My fault, I haven’t  made a conscience decision to write to this site every week. I could say I’m planning on turning over a new leaf and I will write every week, but I do know all about the road to hell and good intentions.

So I’ll I can say is I’m going to write today.

Returned yesterday from a weekend in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Was a terrific time with Family. Nothing much beats a weekend with Family. This is the second one in a row that I have been able to experience.

The weekend before we all were at our daughter Erica’s. Her and Chris always make their home available and make everyone feel welcome. I thank them for the wonderful time. It wasn’t event after event, it was mainly hanging out together and carrying out some familiar time honored traditions.  Anyone who knows us well understands about the performance of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  Playing games and celebrating the 4th of July and Birthdays. We had some of each that weekend.

This last weekend was spent with even more extended family. Cousins first and second or first cousins once removed, however you define it. An aunt and uncle, nephews and friends. It was a time of renewal and also of commitment to an organization that supports a real need.

My cousin’s daughter, Jackie and a friend have built an organization called Halos Hudson.  The organization offer support for parents and families that have lost a child. They offer emotional, physical , and financial support, whatever is needed by the family who is facing this atrocious loss.

The support of the Hudson community was outstanding. They have come together to embrace an organization that offers something that is so necessary buy you don’t often see.

Our pride and support are with you Jackie.

My view is that when we can reach out to others, we also find a peace and a means of support.  The same people we reach out to reach back to us in a time of need.  Our country needs to get back to the helping hands of others and not depend upon the government to do the only helping. I’m not going to get on a soap box. Just a short observation that the feeling you get from helping, cannot be felt by our government.

I’ve been working on my novel and have made some major overhauls to it. Hope it is improvements. Still working on the edits.

I also have reworked a piece I wrote awhile back a few years ago in fact. Have read the original at the Marion County Writers Workshop the other night. They felt it needed more emotion so I have rewritten and do hope that I accomplished that. Not exactly sure what my intentions for the piece is, but once I get a positive nod from the group I will figure it out. May end up here, who knows for sure.

This next weekend off for another great time with family, Brittany’s baby shower. I need to figure out which of the many items I’ve purchased for this little one will be shower gifts. Fun complication.

Until next time "Remember Who You Are." 

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me!  Yes, today is my birthday so I should be able to write something of wit and wisdom. Well, I’m not sure how witty this will be but I do hope it will be filled with a small bit of wisdom.

As many of you know last year the day before my sixtieth birthday, a group of us ran the Dam-to-Dam race, an amazing experience for me for sure. The other morning when I knew they were beginning the race my heart skipped a beat wishing that I were on that start line. Because it was and is an awesome undertaking and accomplishment. Since last year I feel I have rested on my laurels, I continue to exercise and such, but I have not pushed or pressured myself to figure out a new exercise goal. So maybe this next year I will figure out something new. Any ideas that could help me decide on my next goal would be appreciated.

On the other hand since last year I have finished my novel, have submitted it to a contest and ended up as a finalist with an offer to have it published. I have until September 1st to work on the editing. Let me say that I thought the hardest part of writing was to finishing the book. I have since learned that the truly hard part is the editing cutting and rearranging the chapters and removing even some of my favorite lines. Editing is a difficult but necessary task. I will also have the opportunity to spend some time with it at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop this summer. I hope to receive some perspective on making this novel worthy of publication. 

I believe we all use our birthday to evaluate our past year success or failure, whichever the case maybe. A little, like New Year’s Day, making decisions to improve our life and make new goals. I’m working on that list of goals and ambitions hoping to push myself to achieve things that are important.

The other thing that I believe I need to remember today and everyday are the blessings I have in my life.

The list is long, so please indulge me in my ramblings a moment.

I’m blessed with a HUSBAND that loves me not just in words but in actions, he loves me when I’m really not being very lovable and when my actions don’t necessarily deserve to be loved. He is a man that has the rough exterior that many see, but has the heart and soul of a gentle giant.

I’m blessed with CHILDREN, two that I was privileged to have carried and raised. Their accomplishments hold for me much pride and enjoyment.  There are three that have allowed me to be a part of their lives and that is an honor as well. You watch them grow and experience the achievements they have worked hard to obtain. You hope you are a support in times of trouble and growth, never knowing for sure if you help or hinder their progress. The only thing you know for sure is that you would do anything necessary to make their loves and lives easier.

I’m blessed with GRANDCHILDREN, six at this time and a new granddaughter that will make her appearance in early October. An event we look forward to with great joy. The thing about grandchildren is that you see in them not only an extension of their parent but also the chance to see your legacy to be carried forward as well.

I’m blessed to have had PARENTS that loved unconditionally and taught me the things that are important in this world. They believed in family and in community. They taught us about a loving and trusting God. We learned of a faith beyond what we can see, a faith that is a guarantee of his truth and promise. They taught us about having a sense of humor and a sense of honor. I miss them both every day; I miss their physical presence in my life, but know that they are watching over us from their heavenly home. After all, I have the pennies to prove it. (That is a story for another day.)

I’m blessed with SISTERS and BROTHERS, which bind us together as family; their love has worked to bring us through difficult times. We have been blessed to enjoy many joyful times as well spent in celebration and the making of special memories. Their children give me the opportunity to extend the arms of love and to continue to keep the family traditions and history alive. I have a SISTER that is watching over me as well. I know my siblings understand how much she is missed every day. Her life cut way to short. Her humor and love of life is missed, her voice, her compassion and her friendship is sorely missed.

I’m blessed with FRIENDS and extended FAMILY, who not only are roots,  but also help you to find the path your life, will take. Friends that have always been there to cry with you or to celebrate the joys you feel. I have experienced many people who have crossed my path and we may not be as close as one time in our life but they still have made a difference in the life I now experience.

I’m blessed to live in a COUNTRY  that is free, that we have the liberties to worship in the manner we choose, that we may disagree with the current administration without fear of retribution, that we have the right to vote to change that administration if we so desire, that we move about our day without fear of   restriction. I also know I am blessed that we live in a country where soldiers and service people believe in that freedom and the rights of all, that they have sacrificed all to keep our country free.  

If I stop and think, there are so many more blessings, health, financial security, home, ability to think and remember, peace in my heart and knowledge of loving and being loved. All are a valuable and important thing to know.

So on this day of my birth I wish for all of you to stop and think of the things that are blessings. Remember the tough things can be blessings as well.

Cliff is working hard on finishing the guesthouse, so I should go and contribute something towards that effort today. That too is a blessing, have a place where we hope many of you will visit as well.

Until next time "Remember Who You Are."

What if ?

Good Morning

 Yesterday I read an article where Robert Waller the author of "The Bridges of Madison County" left a multi-million dollar gift to the University of Northern Iowa. What a wonderful legacy. Made me think about what I would do. What if . . . if I had become a famous author with a multi-million dollar gift to give, who would be the recipient of that gift? Of course, my children and grandchildren would receive a substantial benefit, but who else would be the beneficiary of my success.

I guess I’ve always felt that the average students have a struggle, and are often overlooked when it come to help.. They have the same dreams of becoming more. It’s the same dream as the underprivileged, to get out from under their circumstance. It’s the same dream as the person at the top of the class they too wish to make a difference. Yet, they are often ignored when it comes to scholarship or opportunity.

I believe that would be my legacy, giving the average student a leg up.  When having someone believe in you could and would make an enormous difference. Where having a moderate contribution to their education would kick-start a potential future they could only dream about making come true.

Yes, that’s my legacy plan, of course that means I need to sell my novel “A Case of Hearts” to a gargantuan number of people.  Then write my second novel that is smoldering in my mind. I will close this entry, with a promise to write away, in hopes of making my fortune to pass along.

Until next time "Remember Who You Are."

Stephanie Bond Offer

Good Morning,
I received this e-mail this morning from one of my favorite authors, Stephanie Bond. I've had the opportunity to be a part of three of her workshop classes. I've sponsored her in her 1/2 marathon runs by donating to an organization called "First Book". I've read and collected as many of her books that are still in print. She is an amazing author, her books are funny as well as filled with romance. Her books written for Harlequin Blaze are hot and spicy.

If you have a book reader, please download her books if you are looking for a good read please look for her books at your local bookstore, you won't be disappointed.

If your a writer in progress like myself, her website www.stephaniebond.com  has a section for advice for writers. Great information on writing and publishing.

Please take advantage of this offer.

Until next, time "Remember Who You Are"

Breaking News (and a FREE book)!
Dear Reader,

    I'm very pleased to let you know that TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY, you can download my book IN DEEP VOODOO absolutley FREE! 

    In the funny romantic mystery IN DEEP VOODOO, a woman stabs a voodoo doll of her lying, cheating ex-husband...but when he winds up stabbed to death, she knows she's landed IN DEEP VOODOO!  (By the way, my sister and I made the voodoo doll pictured on the cover, but don't worry--no men were harmed in the process...that we know of.)

      Click here to download a FREE copy of IN DEEP VOODOO!

    Why is only the Kindle version being offered for free? Because Amazon is better about offering deals and incentives to publishers to be able to offer books for free...if you have a Nook or other ereader device, or prefer to download ebooks from Apple, know that other ebook retailers are watching Amazon's marketing programs and will hopefullybegin to offer similar incentives.  The good news is you don't have to own a Kindle in order to read Kindle books!  You can download the free Kindle reading application onto your laptop/PC, iPad, or Smartphone and read Kindle books there!  Here's a link to the Kindle reading applications to get you started:


News and updates
   It seems as if my entire writing career has unfolded in fits and spurts...I might have a year where I have only one or two books released, then the next year, I have several.  That's mostly been due to my pubishers' schedules, but it also has to do with what I'm working on and how long it takes me to write the books.  I know some of you have been frustrated in the past with series of mine that were ended prematurely, and delays between books in series, but thankfully, due to recent events in the book industry, more power has flowed back to authors to allow us to control our content and our release schedule.  Hurray!  I was sidelined for several months in 2010-2011 by a serious illness (no worries, I'm fine now), and I've spent the better part of the last year positioning myself to be able to move forward with my series on my own terms, so while I haven't had a lot of new books released recently, I'm poised for an avalanche of releases in the upcoming year!  Here's what you can expect:

    The BODY MOVERS series:  First, no new developments on the TV series.  The excellent pilot script (written by the writers who wrote RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, by the way) will be shopped again this fall to TV networks, many of which have new buying regimes, so I remain hopeful that a network will pick it up!  I'll keep you posted.  Actually, if it happens, you'll probably hear the scream from Atlanta.

     Hopefully, you've  had a chance to download the new BODY MOVERS e-novella, 6 ½ BODY PARTS?!  Carlotta Wren has always wondered what her life would've been like if her parents hadn't fled town and left her to raise her younger brother Wesley...and now, through a twist of fate, she's about to find out!

     6 ½ BODY PARTS is available for your Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and on iTunes for only 99 cents!  (This BODY MOVERS e-novella is not available in print or audio due to its shorter length.)  For your convenience, here are order links:

      Click here to order 6 1/2 BODY PARTS for your Kindle.
      Click here to order 6 1/2 BODY PARTS for your Nook.  
      Click here to order 6 1/2 BODY PARTS for your Kobo.
      Click here to order 6 1/2 BODY PARTS from iTunes.

       What's next for BODY MOVERS?  I'm working on 7 BRIDES FOR 7 BODIES to be released later this year in both print and ebook.  I've been asked how many books the series will have and the truth is, I'm not sure.  There will be at least 8 books, but now that I'm not constrained by the publisher's whims, I wouldn't mind going on to 10 books or more!  As long as you want more BODY MOVERS books, I'll keep writing them.  Thanks so very much for your patience while I wrestled back control of the series!


        The VOODOO series:  Similar to the BODY MOVERS series, I had to work to regain control of this series, which was originally planned to be a 4-book series, but was ended prematurely by my publisher after the first two books IN DEEP VOODOO and FINDING YOUR MOJO were released.  Please note that I've re-released both books as ebooks, retitling the second book BACK to my original title of VOODOO OR DIE in keeping with the unremarkable idea of having "voodoo" in every title.  (The publisher advertised the second book as VOODOO OR DIE, then changed the title at the last minute; honestly, with all the bizarre decisions made by print publishers, no wonder they're in trouble.)  ANYWAY, I will be releasing the next two books in the voodoo series sometime in 2013...was planning to release at least one this year, but other projects have nudged them aside.  I'm working hard, folks.


         The SOUTHERN ROADS series.  Here are the current and planned stories and books in the SOUTHERN ROADS romance series about the Armstrong brothers who rebuild their hometown in the mountains of Georgia after it was destroyed by a tornado ten years ago:

“BABY, I’M YOURS”   FREE prequel e-novella
  BABY, DRIVE SOUTH  full-length book 1
  BABY, COME HOME  full-length book 2
  BABY, DON’T GO       full-length book 3
“BABY, I’M BACK”      novella in SEAL OF MY DREAMS, a 20-author anthology (all proceeds to benefit The Veterans Research Corporation)
“BABY, HOLD ON”      e-novella, July 1, 2012
  BABY, IT’S YOU         full-length book 4—Rachel and Dr. Cross’s story—late 2012

(Note:  I'm SO proud and pleased to announce that the proceeds from the sale of the SEAL OF MY DREAMS anthology to benefit The Veterans Research Corporation, which conducts medical research for all branches of the U.S. military, all wars, has surpassed $110,000!  Thank  you SO much for your support of this special project.)

       BREAKING NEWS!  A NEW SERIES!   You're hearing it first:  I just sold a brand new humorous mystery series to Amazon Publishing!  It's called TWO GUYS DETECTIVE AGENCY, and it features two estranged sisters (whose last name is Guy) who, upon finding themselves husbandless and broke, take on a faltering P.I. agency in a strip mall.  The first two books in the series will be released next year, with the tentative release dates of March 2013 and July 2013.  I'm very excited about this new series (which is also being shopped for TV), and I hope you'll be looking forward to it as well.  It's set in my old stomping grounds of Lexington, Kentucky, where the women are fast and the horses are beautiful!  :-)  More details to come, naturally.

       Whew!  So trust me when I say I've been busy--busy ensuring I can continue with series that were yanked out from under me (and you), and busy putting new ideas in the pipeline.  I'm very excited about the direction of the book industry.  I know some of you are irritated about the transition to digital books, but it's already resulted in putting more control back in the hands of the authors (where it belongs, in my opinion), cutting out the meddlesome middlemen, and ultimately, will mean a better selection of books for readers to choose from, and at overall lower prices.  That said, all of my upcoming full-length book releases will also be available in paper.  :-)

I need your help!
       If you've enjoyed any of my books, I hope you will consider posting a short review online and/or "liking" my books to help me get the word out.  (The "like" button is the little box next to a thumbs-up symbol in/near the book title in an online listing...no typing required and you don't have to belong to any social media platform in order to "like" something!)   Thanks very much for those of you who've already taken the time to do this...it really does make a difference in introducing new readers to my books and allowing me to continue all of my series.  Even if you've already read IN DEEP VOODOO, please consider downloading it--you'll have it for posterity and the spike in numbers will help to raise the book's profile on Amazon (it's currently #7 on the Top 100 Kindle Free Books, I'd love to be #1!), which will, in turn, mean more in-house support for the new mystery series of mine they'll be publishing next year!  Here's the link again (remember, it's FREE for TODAY AND TOMORROW only!):

      Click here to download a FREE copy of IN DEEP VOODOO!

       Feel free to forward this note to your reader friends if you think they'd enjoy IN DEEP VOODOO.  I'd like to give away as many copies as possible!

Until next time...       In the midst of everything else, I'm also putting up a new website, and I'm really trying to get my act together enough to start a Facebook page!  (I sometimes feel like the guy "Dave" in the Staples commercials, where he is the president, janitor, and everyone in between.)  In the meantime, visit my website www.stephaniebond.com for excerpts and buy links, and if you like Twitter, please follow me by searching for Stephanie Bond and choosing the one next to the BODY MOVERS cover. Thanks so much for  your unflagging support...you keep me going.

Happy reading, and happy Mother's Day to all!

 forward to a friend 

Copyright © 2012 Stephanie Bond, All rights reserved.
If you received this notice, you have corresponded with Stephanie Bond, signed up for the writer's mailing list through her Website, or your e-mail address was entered in a contest on her Website. Your e-mail address will never be shared or sold.
Our mailing address is:

Stephanie Bond

P.O. Box 54266

Great Book

As both a writer and a reader, I feel I get a bonus if I find a book that I can combine the two.

I’m an avid book sale customer. Recently the Pella Public Library, sponsored a friend’s of the library sale, and I snagged a book by Deborah Joyner Johnson titled, “Write to Ignite.” I feel as though I won the lottery. The book offers insightful information about the skills necessary to edit your work. (Which is an area that I’m struggling with right now with my novel “A Case of Hearts”.) It also has a section on grammar, punctuation, and misused and misspelled words. All areas in which I struggle. (MISS YOU LINDA) This information is dispensed in terms that are easy to understand. Other chapters deal with overall writing advice for the beginner and the advanced writer.

Writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children’s, and inspiration have a chapter of advice,as well. Formatting and advice on editors and agents are also included.

For fifty cents, I found a gold mine.

It’s a book I recommend for anyone who has an interest in writing. The book was published by Morning Star there website is www.morningstarministries.org.

I’m headed out Monday for the Planned Parenthood Book sale in Des Moines on Monday. I will come home with way too many books I know, but you never know what a quarter or fifty cents might buy.

Until next, time "Remember Who You Are."

Happy Easter

Good Morning,
I do hope you had an Easter that was filled with many blessings. Having two of our kids and families home for a few days was a true blessing for us.

Erica, Chris, Keegan, Kayla, TJ, and Brittany were here from Thursday night, until early yesterday afternoon. We all attended church yesterday morning and then had an Easter egg hunt when we returned from church. They had 90 eggs to find, they all were found.

While they were here, TJ, Chris, and Keegan helped Cliff build a deck on the new house, while us girls did some serious shopping for the new house, as well as a few personal items.

Erica and Brittany helped me decide on colors for the different rooms in the house and on the flooring we will use through the house. We accomplished a great deal as far as the house was concerned.

I feel like maybe I’m on the correct path for now.

I gave them a bad time about not reading the first draft of my novel, which I have sent to both Erica and TJ.  This came about when they were discussing all of the other mainstream novels they were reading.

I know they are busy and do not have a great deal of time for leisure reading. But, really??

They did give me some ideas for name changes for a few of my characters to update the names to make it feel more current. This was a suggestion from the Marion County Writers Workshop group. It feels strange but with the replace and find function on the computer, it makes easy work to change things back and forth. I will keep working on it for now and see how it feels.

So if I’m going to accomplish any writing yet today I best get at it.

Until next, time "Remember Who You Are."


Good Morning!

This morning as I look at the “View from my Window on the River,” everything is green and blooming. April 3rd is a beautiful day so far. Talking rain showers later. We need it. But, never the less it is a beautiful morning.

I’m obsessing about time though!  Never enough!  Erica, Chris, Keegan, Kayla, TJ, and Brittany are coming to celebrate Easter with us this weekend. I’m so looking forward to them coming.  Have a project on the guesthouse Cliff is hoping the guys can help him with. I have a shopping trip planned for us girls.

So, before Thursday I have plenty to do, cleaning, grocery shopping, Easter eggs to fill. Just a few things so I feel prepared for the kids.

Along with getting ready for company, I feel like I need to spend much more time on my writing. My days of finishing the rewrite before September 1st seems like it will be upon me way to soon.  I also have a  three to five page narrative synopsis to write before July 8th.

Lee ( my writing partner) and I are taking a class with Susan Taylor Chehak, at the Iowa Summer Writing Workshop.  Requirements of the class include the synopsis, ten to fifteen pages of the work-in-progress, and a letter of intent for the novel.  The pages should not be a problem, but it brings up the question of which fifteen pages to bring.  The synopsis and letter of intent are another matter all together, both items I have never done before. Of course you want them perfect so I have plenty of research and most likely much writing and rewriting to do.

With the writing projects, and soon we will be working on the finishing items, painting, flooring, cabinets installed and many more details to be done to complete the guesthouse in time for the summer fun on the river. I’m going to have to get up earlier!

I Can do IT!   This will have to be my motto.

Last summer as I prepared for the Dam to Dam Race. I posted the quote from John Bingham, “THE MIRACLE ISN’T THAT I FINISHED … THE MIRACLE IS THAT I HAD THE COURAGE TO START.”

So I better get started!!


I posted a new page on my site this morning. Slowly I'm building my site. One page at a time, I'm taking my time to put together something that you will enjoy. I posted a favorite story this morning titled  "White Lies" the story is about a teenager and a mature women (OLD). The older, wiser, women shares a story in hopes of turning the teen from a path she seems to be taking. This story was an idea I had that came from an experience I remember about my sister Linda when she was in high school. She did skip out on a slumber party to go out with her boyfriend. It was our Dad that found her parked on a country road. That is the only part of the story that is true. The story is a fun twist. I do hope you enjoy it.  As you will also see this page was dedicated to my Sister LINDA, she left us in July 2008, and I miss her everyday. There will be something that happens or is said and my thoughts turn to her and wish she was still here. Yet I know she watches over us everyday. LOVE YOU LINDA KAY!!!


This morning the “My Thoughts from my Window on the River,”  the weather is rather grey, not a cold steel grey, but a warm early spring grey. You can feel spring in the air. That warm but damp mist that bring with it the fragrance of rain.

Our river needs rain. Over the 3 ½ years we have lived here, we have often prayed for the rain to stop so we wouldn’t flooded out again. This year though we a praying for some rain so we can enjoy our water activities this summer. Neither the pontoon nor the ski boat will be able to maneuver the river at this point.

Even though the water level is down it still is a beautiful spot to live. Since we are at the mercy of Mother Nature, we will enjoy whatever she may bring to our part of the world. As we, all know she can have a nasty side that can break our hearts, so we want to keep her well pleased.

Now about my writing “From my View on the River.”  I read my story “Remote Wars” to the writing group last Thursday, I received a great deal of advice on how to improve my story, so with that in mind I have once again rewritten the story.  The original contest entry had to be under 750 words, the rewrite is closer to 1500 words. I still think it is a winner don’t know exactly where I will send it but would like to find a good home for it. Eventually if I cannot find a place for it to reside I will post it here.

I have made my appointment with Hannah at “The Write Place” for Friday so then I will know were my story “Case of Hearts” will be traveling.

Until next, time “Remember Who You Are”   

We have a winner!

I have been on vacation for the last week. Cliff and I went with his brother Ted and his wife Dixie to Texas this last week visiting with cousins of Cliffs. We had a great visit, with all involved and an opportunity to get to know them all a little better. Also visited with an aunt and uncle and cousin in Platte City Missouri on the way home.

It is so important to keep contact or take advantage of the opportunity to get to know our family. First, it makes our world a lot bigger. Second, we find out about our history, which helps us to know more about our self. Third, it can give us the chance to step away from our own life and learn about someone else’s life and challenges as well as success.

When we returned, I did find out my story "A Case of Hearts" was a finalist in the contest sponsored by The Write Place.

Being a total skeptic, I don't know if all the entries were finalist after the actual winner or if there were enough entries to actually have nine other stories to become a finalist. Kind of like everyone gets a participation trophy. I have asked for an appointment to discuss the way I can improve my story. I know it needs improvement. So maybe when we meet I will find out if I actually received an honor or just a ribbon for showing up.  

Until next, time "Remember Who You Are"

Computer's are hard!

I have spent the last three and a half hours, plus at least the same amount of time yesterday afternoon trying to produce a business card. Most people who know how to use a computer and word would have probably been able to do this same thing in twenty minutes or less. It always makes me cringe when someone tells me you can find anything on the internet or make anything with your computer. I know it will never happen for me, at least not without a great deal of frustration. In fact, I just now tried to put a copy of my business card on this site. Guess you will not be seeing it here. If you want to see my business card...e-mail me your address, and I will snail mail it to you.

Until next, time "Remember Who You Are"

Writer's Groups

Thursday evening Lee and I attended our first Writer's Group meeting in Knoxville, the group is known as the Marion County Writer's Workshop. The group was organized nine years ago, and there were 10 members present this particular evening. Lee and I were made to feel very welcome and appreciate the opportunity to participate in the evening discussion.

Each member, either brings the weeks writing challenge, the topic or situation is set forth the meeting before. Or, they can bring a piece of a bigger work that they are producing. After the reader reads their composition, the group takes turns giving a constructive critique. The purpose is to help the writer improve. All criticism is done in a manner that is non-threatening and helpful.

I came away with the understanding, that the group is interested in helping everyone improve. Also to help the writer to take their writing to the next level.

I think Lee and I both came away with the expectation of continuing with this group.

Again thank you for welcoming us to your group.

Until next, time "Remember Who You Are"

First Post

Good Morning Readers,

As my first post I will start by welcoming you to my site. I don't intend to just post a blog but I hope to have information on writing and reading. Some of my favorite authors and stories, a few of my own stories and a few of my beliefs and lessons.

I've titled this blog "My Thoughts from my Window on The River" my work space is my gazebo office. From that office I see the Des Moines River flowing within 20 some feet from my window. The changing seasons, the changing wildlife and birds that go by my window  make for various thoughts and feelings. I hope to express a few of the changes that appear before that window. May you follow me on this journey. Please feel free to comment on what I say and what I share.

Until Next, time "Remember Who You Are"