Ever wonder how others perceive you? Others may see me as a wife, mother, step-mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. What would I consider myself? Well, definitely all of the above, but I would add that I am a thinker, a writer, and a woman who has a lot to say. I just want my voice to be heard. This is my spot to state what I think and believe. These are My Thoughts from my Window on the River.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friends old and new. Family forever

Friends old and new. Family forever.

Many of you are well aware that I have recently published my novel “A Case of Hearts” thanks to the above-mentioned people, so far, it has been well received.

This morning I decided to check in with the listing on Amazon and was pleased to see, I had received three five-star ratings and reviews of the book.

All three came from friends, one that has been a friend for years, one that I have recently become acquainted with, and one that I have only had contact with because of his poem. A poem that happens to be at the beginning of my novel. “Pennies from Heaven”

All three had exceptionally nice things to say about the book. I know you are saying. So what? They are friends. I guess in my way of thinking, if they didn’t actually like the book they didn’t have to say anything. Remember what our moms said if you didn’t have anything nice to say to say nothing at all.

Here are their comments:

By Lee Joanne Collins Author of “Too Much Left Unsaid”

Format: Paperback

Carol Matthews's brother Jim leaves her to care for four-year-old Jeff. The villains of the piece, Jeff's maternal grandparents, had no interest in Jeff until they saw a way to get their hands on the hefty trust fund left to the boy.
Carol needed a lawyer to fight for her in the custody battle and Donovan Delaney is recommended. As a lawyer down on his luck, Donovan wanted to win the case for Carol and to give his career a boost.

Daugherty skillfully weaves a tale of desires and conflicts that will keep you reading.


By wolfwriter  Author of “Be Still. . . and know that I am God” and “Pennies from Heaven”

Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase

Well, naturally, it was a must read for me! Simply awesome to see my poem used in this wonderful little story! That said, the believable characters and the drive-ya-crazy off-again-on-again love interest between Carol and Donovan definitely keep the reader interested. A story full of hope and faith, mixed with real life emotions. Very enjoyable read!
Charles Mashburn

Charles also wrote a post on his “Marbles In My Pocket” blog.  Many years ago I came across Charles's poem "Pennies from Heaven" it made me believe in pennies and angels. I do hope you will go to Charles website and enjoy his words of wisdom.


Format: Kindle Edition Amazon Verified Purchase

Kathryn has a gift. This is an excellent read..... Just when you want to stop, you can't - easy read, unforgettable characters, wanting more about Carol, Jeff and Donovan. Congrats - great story, with message - yes, I do believe in pennies and angels.


For me this morning to find their thoughtful comments made my day and probably several days into the future.

I also posted on my Facebook page and had a wonderful response from family. Reposting my posts and sending the information on to other friends.  In that respect, my family has been over- the- top supportive, not only of the publication, but the complete writing journey.  They have helped in the promotion of the novel weather on Facebook or telling their friends about the book. For friends who know the family. If you have read the book, you have seen how I tried to remember them.

I’ve always known the importance of family and friends, Mom and Dad taught us that lesson from our infancy that we are honored to have people in our lives that we share friendship and kinship. That these people  are irreplaceable in our lives.


A week ago Saturday Cliff and I came home from Ava's birthday party to find over a hundred pennies sprinkled on the deck, sidewalk, in flowerpots and on the railing of the deck. The angels who dropped them are much loved. Thank you.

There are so many that have offered assistance in helping me to promote this project. I will be thanking each of them in future posts. Kevin, Howard, Uncle David, to name a few. You will be subjects of these posts.

To sum this all up a huge THANK YOU to all of you.

     Until next time “Remember Who You Are”