Ever wonder how others perceive you? Others may see me as a wife, mother, step-mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. What would I consider myself? Well, definitely all of the above, but I would add that I am a thinker, a writer, and a woman who has a lot to say. I just want my voice to be heard. This is my spot to state what I think and believe. These are My Thoughts from my Window on the River.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day Remembered

May Day!

How many of you from my generation remember the excitement May Day brought. We would make our May baskets out of colored construction paper. We would fill them with popcorn or candy or both to drop at our friends front door. Knock and run! To be caught or not?

I'm not sure children even do that today? Do they?

Normally there would be violets growing in the yard. They would decorate the basket as well. There would be a bouquet of violets for Mom and Grandma clutched in our hands.

Days of innocents.